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Audi Aisin navigation RNS-E unlock CD

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Audi Aisin navigation RNS-E unlock CD


Product Information
Easy and quick solution to decode Audi A3, A4, A6 RNS-E navigation made by Aisin. No need any mechanical works, take ~5 minutes. Just insert "Unlock CD" and after fast update navigation security code will be writed on navigation screen.


 just set low writing speed: 


 - If navigation is installed in the car - don't remove it. If navigation unit is removed - connect power supply +12V like in picture:

aisin wiringWater.jpg

 - Switch navigation ON and on first screen push screen open and eject button. Remove original CD

aisin 3Water.jpg

aisin 4Water.jpg

- Now insert "unlock CD" and wait. Don't disconnect power supply, don't push any button.  After ~30 sec. screen will close. In 2 min navigation will restart and in next 2 minutes update processe will start. After ~5 minutes RNS-E will restart again and now on screen serial number last 4 digits is your navigation security code:

aisin 5Water.jpg

Problems reported: on some SW versions is impossible open screen to insert unlock CD, in this case you must do it mechanically. Also this CD works only one time for the same navigation - check maybe serial number last 4 digits is navigation security code? Not work on some very new SW versions and some USA models - but it's very rare in practice.



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