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Scania Multi 05.2023 [Multi + RUS]

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Scania Multi 05.2023 [Multi + RUS]

Release Year/Date: 2023
Developer: Scania AG
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian present)
Tablet: present
Description: The SCANIA MULTI program contains information about spare parts for Scania cars and buses.
All information is presented starting from 1985, for trucks, chassis and buses of the SCANIA series
for all regions (differ in equipment and design).




0. You may have to remove the previous version of Multi (along with the database).
1. Install Net 3.5
Start - Settings - Applications - Related settings (Programs and Features) - Turn Windows features on or off -> Net Framework 3.5
Without this, the database will not be installed.
2. Mount or unzip ISO files. Install in order of priority (01, 02, 03, 04).
3. Run multi_2305_patch.bat with Administrator rights to reset the trial.

!!! Если видите ошибку "Cannot open database Multi_DVD_**** requested by the login. The Login failed.." !!!

You need to change the path to the SQL server.
Run Multi config from the Start menu.
View the path to the database.
It looks something like this: Multi_DVD_2305_1@MYCOMP\MULTI_SQL.
Edit the patch file - replace the path to the database with yours:
echo sp_password NULL, 1234, sa | OSQL.EXE -S localhost\MULTI_SQL -E
echo use Multi_DVD_2305_1; update multi_proparameter set text="*').$,#(" where item='PROD_STAMP' | SQLCMD.EXE -U sa -P 1234 -S localhost\MULTI_SQL -d Multi_DVD_2305_1< /span>

0. Probably: uninstall previous Multi (including db).
1. Install Net 3.5 (need for DB installation)
2. Mount ISO files, then install in order 01, 02, 03, 04.
3. Run as Administrator multi_2305_patch.bat to reset the trial.

!!! If you got a message "Cannot open database Multi_DVD_**** requested by the login. The Login failed.." !!!

You need to replace path to SQL server.
Run Multi config from Windows Start menu.
Check "Folders for Multi data" - "Sql server".
It looks like Multi_DVD_2305_1@MYCOMP\MULTI_SQL.
Open the patch file to edit and replace existing names/pathes to yours:
echo sp_password NULL, 1234, sa | OSQL.EXE -S localhost\MULTI_SQL -E
echo use Multi_DVD_2305_1; update multi_proparameter set text="*').$,#(" where item='PROD_STAMP' | SQLCMD.EXE -U sa -P 1234 -S localhost\MULTI_SQL -d Multi_DVD_2305_1




What's New in Version 03/10/2024 12:00 PM   See changelog


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