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SW_Finder - V5.2 - UPDATE 10.08.2021


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SW_Finder - V5.2 - UPDATE 10.08.2021

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SW_Finder - V5.2 - UPDATE 10.08.2021


How to use:
1. Extract the archive 
2. Enter the folder named SW Finder and then open the SW_finder_X_X.exe
3. An application window opens and then you have to insert desired HW number, SW number or ECU name.
4. After getting the desired results. Click on the corresponding line and then download. Larger downloads may show .tmp files until downloaded.

Latest version: 5.2


SWFinder tab - added Sort button, when pressed it shows newest version on top line.
Added Open file after downloading for convenience.
Now selected directory for downloads has "last mode" function. It remembers the last folder you selected to download the files.
Added option for selecting multiple files and download them as well as "Download All" button.
Added Calculate SHA option for retrieving SHA1 for files (this is used to compare whether 2 files are exactly the same).
General - added line shading on every odd line for better distinguishing between the different lines.
Added x86 windows support.




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