Administrators lotfree Posted July 13, 2023 Administrators Posted July 13, 2023 View File Navitel: Official maps release Q1 2023 v9 Navitel: Official maps release Q1 2023 v9 • This is the first update in 2023. Therefore, they write Q1 2023 • They were released to the public on 03/29/2023. • Maps for Navitel are updated 3 times a year. • Up-to-date maps for the Navitel program • There is a map of Crimea: in the full map of Russia, in the map of Ukraine, in the map of the Southern Federal District • Abkhazia is part of the map of Georgia. • There are 2 maps of Ukraine in the release (ukr20230329_v9.nm7 and ukr20230328_v9.nm7, one is bigger, the other one is smaller). • The keys are present in the distribution, thanks to the guys infinitas and naviHaRpY from Add. Information : 1. Only for versions 9.13 and above. 2. For the program to open new map releases, a NEW (different, updated) activation KEY is REQUIRED. With a key from previous releases, maps will not open. 3. The key for the card / s, and the program is cured. Here is the missing map of Serbia This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up List of countries Overview map of the world: - earth Russia: - rus Federal districts of Russia: Far Eastern - dvfo Volga - pvfo Northwestern - szfo North Caucasian - skfo Siberian - sibfo Ural - urfo Central - cfo Southern - ufo Asia: Kazakhstan - kaz Azerbaijan - aze Armenia - arm Georgia - geo Vietnam - vnm India - ind Iran - irn Kyrgyzstan - kgz Maldives - mdv Mongolia - mng Pakistan - pak Tajikistan - tjk Turkey - tur Uzbekistan - uzb Philippines - phl Europe: Ukraine - ukr Belarus - blr Austria - aut Albania - alb Belgium, Luxembourg - bel Bulgaria - bgr Bosnia and Herzegovina - bih Great Britain, Isle of Man - uk Hungary - hun Germany - deu Greece - grc Denmark - dnk Iceland - isl Spain, Gibraltar, Andorra - esp Italy, Malta, San Marino, Vatican City - ita Cyprus - cyp Latvia - lva Lithuania - ltu Macedonia - mkd Moldova - mda Netherlands - nld Norway - nor Poland - pol Portugal - prt Romania - rou Serbia - srb Slovakia - svk Slovenia - svn Finland - fin France, Monaco - fra Croatia - hrv Montenegro - mne Czech Republic - cze Switzerland, Liechtenstein - che Sweden - swe Estonia - est Latin America: Argentina - arg Brazil - bra Colombia - col Mexico - mex Peru - per Installation description : Copy the necessary files to the NavitelContent/Maps/ directory, replace the key in the Navitel and NavitelContent/License folder. After starting the program, the maps will be indexed. HOW TO DOWNLOAD Submitter lotfree Submitted 07/13/2023 Category NAVIGATION GPS Quote
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